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Here is an overview of some of the top 12 most unwanted ingredients, which are commonly found in personal care products. Consider reducing or removing these elements as part of a homeopathy makeover.


1. Aluminum
Aluminum is widely used in antiperspirants. Inhalation and ingestion of aluminum may aggravate kidney and lung disorders. Aluminum deposits have been found in the brains of Alzheimer’s victims.


2. Chlorine
Chlorine is found in tap water, pools, laundry products, cleaning agents, food processing, and sewage systems. Chlorine can affect your health by contributing to asthma, anemia, bronchitis, diabetes, irritation of the eye, mouth, nose, and lungs, heart disease, high blood pressure, and other problems.


3. Color pigments
Color pigments cause skin irritation and sensitivity. These pigments may reduce oxygenation of the skin. Almost all of them are carcinogenic.


Diethanolamine, monoethanolamine, and triethanolamine are cancer-causing, hormone-disrupting chemicals.


5. Fragrance 
Fragrances are toxic in many compounds and may be carcinogenic. Fragrances may contain thousands of separate ingredients. Most of them are synthetic. Symptoms reported to the FDA include headaches, rashes, skin discoloration, coughing, and vomiting. Exposure may affect the central nervous system.


6. Glycerin
Glycerin draws moisture from inside the skin, making it temporarily feel better, but drying it out.


7. Isopropyl Alcohol

This is a poisonous substance, which changes the natural qualities of other substances. It is derived from petroleum and is also used in antifreeze and as a solvent in shellac. Ingestion or inhalation of large quantities may cause headaches, vomiting, and coma. A fatal dose is about one fluid ounce.


8. Mineral Oil
Baby oil is 100% mineral oil and is derived from petroleum. It remains on top of the skin and coats the skin, much like a plastic wrap. The skin’s natural immune barrier is disrupted as this plastic coating inhibits the skin’s ability to breathe and absorb moisture. The skin is also impeded from releasing toxins, which may cause acne and other disorders. This slows down the skin’s natural processes and may cause premature aging.


9. Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
Polyethylene glycol is used in making cleansers to dissolve oil, as in oven cleaners. It is a binding agent, plasticizing agent, solvent, and softener. PEG strips the body’s natural moisture and leaves the immune system vulnerable. It is potentially a toxic agent. 


10. Propylene Glycol (PG)
PG is the active ingredient in antifreeze and a major ingredient in brake and hydraulic fluid. PG is used by industry to break down cellular structure and protein. This product is widely used in cosmetics. It is a skin irritant and may cause damage to the nervous system, brain, liver, and kidneys.

11. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)
These products are widely used as detergents and degreasers by manufacturers. They are also used in cosmetics, shampoos, and toothpaste. SLS may be the most harmful ingredient in personal care products. SLS and SLES cause drying and irritation to the skin. According to the American College of Toxicology, these products can cause malformation in children’s eyes. Research indicates that SLS and SLES may damage the immune system of the skin. These are very dangerous products. SLS and SLES may cause carcinogenic nitrates and dioxins to form in shampoo bottles and cleansers by reacting with commonly found ingredients in many products.  A large number of nitrates may enter the bloodstream from just one shampooing. SLS may stay in the body for up to five days, easily penetrating the skin, where residual levels may remain in the heart, liver, lungs, and brain. 


12. Sodium Fluoride
It is used as a rat poison and is also found in toothpaste.



Choosing Personal Care Products

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